

OTLE analyses three specific aspects of environmental sustainability in transport: the air pollution generated by each mode of transport, the energy consumption of each mode of transport and the amount of the population exposed to noise pollution.

Final energy consumption in transport relative to other sectors. Spain and European Union. Chart content in Spanish

Comparison of final energy consumption in transport in relation to other sectors for 2021. In Spain and in the European Union.

Relevant information

Air pollution

116 million tonnes of CO2 were emitted by the transport sector in 2021. The mode of transport that generated the most emissions was road transport, with more than 79 million tonnes.

Energy consumption

1,630,447 terajoules were consumed by transport activity in 2021. The mode of transport that consumed the most energy was road transport, with 1,129,823 terajoules.

85 % of the energy consumed by rail transport in 2021 was electric.